
How to play chili con carnage
How to play chili con carnage

how to play chili con carnage

And finally there's Rewind, which turns back time, meaning you can give death the slip if you're quick on your feet. Camera Twist flips the screen of your opponents, totally disorientating them for 10 seconds. Dual Wield and Camera Twist are the two most potent pick-ups in the game, the first tooling you with a pair of pistols, shotguns, AK-47s - whatever you can lay your hands on - so you can make light work of anyone stupid enough to get in your way. Enemy Confetti can be a combo-crippling power-up to use on your opponents if timed correctly, because it shreds all of the enemies in their arena so there's literally nothing to shoot at.

how to play chili con carnage

Earthquake isn't quite as vicious as it sounds, causing everyone to fall flat on their backsides for a few seconds - meaning your combo meter drains because it's impossible to rattle off a shot. Dropped by enemies after a classy kill, basic bonuses include weapon and combo steals, which bump up your arsenal or score depending on the one you pick up. The game is packed with power-ups and collectibles that can turn around the outcome of a game in an instant. There's more to Chili Con Carnage's multiplayer than extravagant kills and fat combos too. Although it's by no means a disaster because the points you accumulated are banked, it means you've got to start building your bonus multiplyer from scratch once again, which is a right pain in the backside. Let it drain, however, and you lose your combo.

how to play chili con carnage

Pop a cap in another bad guy and the bar refills and your combo extends, and continues to do so if you keep on gunning down thugs and keep the meter filled with juice. When you kill an enemy a time bar on the right fills, then starts emptying slowly as the game goes on. As with the single-player game, the best way to earn big points is by stringing combos together. Executing a stylish kill really is important then, to boost your score and also make life for your opponents very hard. On the flipside, if you're playing like a chump then your screen will get cluttered with death-dealing Mexicans. If you pull off a spectacular kill or a string of impressive shots, you send a load of enemies over to the other players' screens. YES NO Here's where it gets interesting though. However, while you all fight on the same level at the same time, it's not actually in the same arena - the number of bad guys you fight is the same but you never come face-to-face with the other players. It's then a case of hitting the points limit before your opponent. In Fiesta mode, up to four players first choose their character from a hotchpotch bunch of scruffs, before selecting one of five areas - Rancho Vireillo, Peurto Indsutrial, Arena Del Tora, The Hacienda and the Jungle - to battle in. Instead players take turns to wrack up the highest score possible, by executing stylish kills and pulling off stupidly over-the-top moves. Well, scrap it out probably isn't the best way to describe how the game plays, because neither multiplayer mode is a classic deathmatch.

How to play chili con carnage psp#

There are two multiplayer games to choose from: Hangman can be played by up to four people using a single PSP while Fiesta allows gun-toting gringos to scrap it out via wi-fi. What's more, moments like this happen all the time in Chili Con Carnage, both in the single-player game but more so in the multiplayer modes the game has to offer, as we realised when we took on all-comers around the IGN UK offices. Pulling off the same sniper shot while flipping off a wall and wearing a hat shaped like chicken egg, however, is damn cool. As satisfying videogame experiences go, diving through the air and putting a bullet in the head of a moustachioed Mexican from a hundred meters away may not rank alongside finishing Gears of War on Insane, but it's still pretty rewarding.

How to play chili con carnage